
Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

tic toc..

tic toc..
here it goes again
time to spend
what for?

tic toc..
can't stop thinking
your happy little face
so cute!

tic toc..
hope time flies
soon enough
what a waste!

tic toc..
gotta get up
to fulfil
what to be fulfilled

tic toc..
this is it
gotta fly
see you soon!

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011


Kasihan ya kamu,
duduk sendiri disana
tanpa teman, tanpa empati.

Kasihan ya kamu,
berkacak pinggang, merasa bangga
tanpa ada peduli, tanpa penonton
Kasihan ya kamu,
melempar lelucon
tanpa tawa, apalagi tepuk riuh rendah

Kasihan ya kamu,
mengangis sedih
tanpa bahu, atau lap tisu

Kasihan oh, Kasihan
pada kami
yang mengasihanimu
tanpa kamu
yang perlu dikasihani


Kamis, 29 September 2011


Kusembah kau, wahai Sang Idiot!
Bukan karena kau hebat
tapi lebih karena aku tobat

Kuhargai kau, wahai Sang Idiot!
bukan karena kau agung
tapi karena aku bingung

Kuhormati kau, wahai Sang Idiot!
bukan karena kau handal
tapi karena aku pegal

Kuturuti kau, wahai Sang Idiot!
bukan karena kau pantas
tapi karena aku gemas

Kupatuhi kau, wahai Sang Idiot
bukan karena kau layak
tapi karena aku terjebak

Kutaati kau, wahai Sang Idiot
bukan karena kau baik
tapi karena aku tercekik


Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Apa makna menjadi seorang guru buat lo???

Dear guys, would you please share me your thoughts about being a teacher... I am waiting for your answers.


Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

hey... it's been days since the last time i wrote...
well, nothin's change, just loosing 5 kgs here, hehehe..

what's to talk about today???
how about "guys at work"

have u ever had an experience when one of your male colleagues started to make a joke, but the joke was rather an insult to women (because the meaning and the language he used).

terkadang agak risi ngeliat kaya gitu. meskipun udah sevokal apapun kita komplain tapi mereka tetap aja menjurus ke arah sana, entah y, mungkin klo sama2 cewe, it's fine (dalam batasan yg normal tentunya). pi klo rekan kerja kita yg cowo dah ngomomg yg nyerempet2 rasanya pen nabok!!!

gak bermaksud jadi pribadi yg etnosentris, pi g cuman ngerasa kalo javanese guys tend to talk dirty rather than any other guys who come from different ethnic group.
I once asked to my hubz bout this problem (he is Javanese), and he can't agree more with what I said. he said that is because the javanese culture (where man is above women). 

tapi bkn berarti laki2 yang bukan jawa bisa bersikap berbeda. Banyakj g yg menyebalkan dan 'jorok' bgt omongannya, kaya gak pernah di'cuci' aja mulutnya!!!

kayaknya yang bisa kita (sebagai rekan kerja wanita) adalah berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk mereka paham bahwa 'I am not that woman whom you can talk dirty to' 

dirty talk tu seperti apa si?? cth; 'eh, kok lo ga breastfeed si Andy si?? kan dia anak lo?? (anak dalam pengertian dia teman kerja laki-laki yg kita lumayan dekat dan sering kerja bareng). that sucks rite??? 
tell me that i'm too sensitive, pi klo ada yg pake joke-an yg kaya geto over n over again, wah... tu orang kayaknya perlu belajar etika. kadang2 g mikir mgkn dia gak cukup cerdas untuk menciptakan 'joke' yg smart yg gak perlu pake embel2 seks dll. what a pity!

yg paling menyebalkan lagi, klo dia bos kita dan kita gak punya nyali untuk ngomng k org tersebut, hell with it! temuin dan bilang k orang tersebut, bahwa omongannya sangat, sangat mengganggu dan tidak sopan.

for that kind of people, a nick name I've made for them, a 'Jerk'!!

so, klo ada dari kalian yg mungkin gak sengaja nemu n baca tulisan ini, pliz.. fror the sake of a better working environment, respect your colleagues (male n female) and try to be more selective regarding your choices of word... (kurangi pembicaraan bentuk fisik apalagi menjurus ke sex).

klo kata suami g, SALING... insyallah, hasilnya pun baik.


Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

graduation day

I was at me hubby;s graduation ceremony this morning. I was so happy for my husband. alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah SWT, me hubby has successfully finished his master degree. 

There was a moment at the end of the ceremony, when the Chief of one of the postgraduates programs gave a final speech. ...." May all of you successfully reached your dreams and goals" I don't know whether it was me who's too sensitive or our ( me hubby and i) successful life is still awaits us there, someday... The speech was kind of a 'wake up' calling for me. As if through the speech the mighty Allah wants to say, not to give up, to be grateful all the time and enjoy your life.

At that moment, I was kind of hoping, that yes, Allah will guide us and lead us into  a better future, that me hubby will finally find his way into a better career and with the support of all of us we will succeed.

Anyway, i just want to congratulate me hubby. May Allah always protect him as the head of the family and us (his wife and son) as the member of the family. Amen

Love You hubz...

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Wish me luck!

I started the day by jogging around me neighborhood. It is a way to loose some weight. I used to run further than I can do now, I think it's maybe because I  gain some (a lot, actually) weight right after I delivered me baby. And though me loving and caring hubby keep insisted that 'I am sexy this way' still  my self esteem decreasing every time people around me started to call me 'FAT'

I tried not to care at first, but when I opened me wardrobe the other day, I was shocked to see all of me beautiful 'kebayas' just hanging up there, dusted. Since I am no longer be able to wear them (hiks, hiks...) and always got confused whenever I have to attend a formal event or a wedding party. I miss me beautiful clothes.
So, I said to myself  That's it! It's a HIGH time to loose some weight!!!

I am 1,6 tall and weigh 69 kg, can u imagine??? (ideally, my weight should be around 58-60 kg). Starting from today I decided to 'Jog-Wing' ( a combination of jogging and walking, since I'm not a type of a runner).
hopefully I can do it consistently. 

Wish me luck, ok?!!!

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

it's me..

Fiuh, finally, got me own blog! so excited though still need to learn lot of things..
btw, my name is Dian Octavianah. some of my friends tend to call me dee, dian or diandra. nick names? got tons!! people think to call somebody based on their body measured and their physical appearance.. kinda shallow i think.

 I'm married. almost two years now (still trying to be a good wife). Me hubby's name's Dipa Nugraha Suyitno. Alhamdulillah, the mighty Allah has trusted us to take care a beautiful, energetic baby boy, Rifqi Abdillah (he's 9 going to 10 months now)

I like movies, reading and travelling. Watcing an art exhibition and visiting museums are the others hobbies that i love doing in my spare time (which I seldom do nowadays since I got married).

I live in Karangayar, near Solo, Central Java. I work as an English teacher at ELTI Solo. I enjoy teaching as it gives pleasure and entertainment. Coz' sometime the students bring new horizon as well as new knowledge to me.  

Here are some pictures of me n my family

Lovely Afternoon

here I am, sitting with me hubby talking about me new blog!!